Student Support

beautiful fall day of students walking outside Lagomarcino hall
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    The HOME learning community

    A learning community is a group of students who connect through shared classes and guided activities. Open Option students at Iowa State are part of the HOME learning community. You’ll receive support from advisors and peer mentors while you explore majors and careers during your first semester. Peer mentors can answer questions about classes, help you get involved on campus, and share tips about life at Iowa State.

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    Academic support

    From majors fairs where we’ll help you explore all of Iowa State’s undergraduate majors to help with specific classes, there’s plenty of academic supports on campus.

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    Career support

    As an Open Option major, you’ll start your journey in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS). LAS staff will help guide you through the Open Option program as you explore majors and classes across campus.

    You’ll also be able to use the resources offered by LAS Career Services. This includes help with resume writing or interviewing, campus career fairs, and more.